PTO Board Meeting Agenda
November 3, 2022
Zoom Virtual Meeting call to order at 5:39pm Quorum
Approve meeting minutes from last meeting
President and VP Report (Diana & Rachel)-
Google Drive participation- Update Calendar section
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)-
YTD Budget Report Budget attached.
Principal and VP(S) Reports-
Outdoor classroom completion date will be 12/31/2022
Planning School field trip to Fisk to hear Jubilee singers in February.
Currently have the most district tally points for sports. We are sitting at #1. District finishing place: Cross Country finished 1st, Soccer 2nd, Volleyball 2nd.
Need a beautification committee for outdoor classroom and bike rack (“Green Thumb Committee”0 Diana will initiate committee.
Invest Fundraising Report (Rob)-
INVEST summary-29% overall participation – 112% of our goal with $50,255 in pledges ($44,305 collected so far)
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Thank you cards
Communications Report (Amy)-
Keep sending updates for the Meigs Memos. Have all press releases ready to go out in Meigs Memos.
Meigs Mart Update(Samantha)-
Will check the MM budget for 2022-2023 to see if there is funds for a second round of Meigs mart purchases. Samantha will reach out to Rhonda.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report( Niki)
City Saver final numbers - Made $9,500. Substantial amount of books still out. Dr Underwood and Mrs Forrest to initiate ask back emails.
Bake Sale at Lit Night went very well. Great parent participation.
Book Fair- Going well. Raised so far $4,500. Will have a 2nd Book Fair in March.
Niki asked for parent recommendations/involvement for community fundraisers. Will reach out to Hugh Baby’s for after home basketball games.
Teacher Appreciation Update (Dr Underwood, Theres, Frances)
Concessions Update (Frances & Rachel)
Concessions prices have increased 20-30% this year. May meed to revisit sales prices and budget for 2023-2024 school year. Dr Underwood to see what other schools currently charge. Do we want the concessions as a money maker or a service to our families?
Unicycle (Laret)
7th and 8th grade Band and Strings students were required to wear Meigs Wear for their trip to Dollywood. I reached out to remind Mr. Norris that we still had some vintage wear for sale. He sent out an email to the parents with my contact info so that they could text me if they wanted to purchase any Vintage Meigs wear.
Over the weekend we had around 20 parents reach out to inquire about purchasing t-shirts and sweatshirts. They texted me sizes, etc.
I took photos of what we had in the requested sizes, collected cash or Venmo payments and delivered shirts to school on the Tuesday before the trip. In total the sales were $199.
Motion: I would like to request/propose to the board that I am able to use these funds to purchase bottoms (pants/shorts) for the clothes closet in the office as we have little to no sizes above youth large for bottoms in the closet. Motion approved. Ask Mrs Forrest what she thinks is needed since SSA is not required at Meigs.
Talent Show Update (Jennifer)
11/10/2022 at 7pm - England, Poe and Mr Allen are in charge. Jennifer Allen has made a packet for guidance next year. Lights, cameras, food trucks are ready. Need more parent volunteers for after school supervision (3-6:30pm). Vui’s Kitchen orders due 11/04/2022 online. Tickets purchased on Meigs mart site. Food trucks will be available starting at 4:15 until 6:15.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business
Passwords page is available on Drive. Please update if you change anything.
November 3, 2022
Zoom Virtual Meeting call to order at 5:39pm Quorum
Approve meeting minutes from last meeting
President and VP Report (Diana & Rachel)-
Google Drive participation- Update Calendar section
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)-
YTD Budget Report Budget attached.
Principal and VP(S) Reports-
Outdoor classroom completion date will be 12/31/2022
Planning School field trip to Fisk to hear Jubilee singers in February.
Currently have the most district tally points for sports. We are sitting at #1. District finishing place: Cross Country finished 1st, Soccer 2nd, Volleyball 2nd.
Need a beautification committee for outdoor classroom and bike rack (“Green Thumb Committee”0 Diana will initiate committee.
Invest Fundraising Report (Rob)-
INVEST summary-29% overall participation – 112% of our goal with $50,255 in pledges ($44,305 collected so far)
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Thank you cards
Communications Report (Amy)-
Keep sending updates for the Meigs Memos. Have all press releases ready to go out in Meigs Memos.
Meigs Mart Update(Samantha)-
Will check the MM budget for 2022-2023 to see if there is funds for a second round of Meigs mart purchases. Samantha will reach out to Rhonda.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report( Niki)
City Saver final numbers - Made $9,500. Substantial amount of books still out. Dr Underwood and Mrs Forrest to initiate ask back emails.
Bake Sale at Lit Night went very well. Great parent participation.
Book Fair- Going well. Raised so far $4,500. Will have a 2nd Book Fair in March.
Niki asked for parent recommendations/involvement for community fundraisers. Will reach out to Hugh Baby’s for after home basketball games.
Teacher Appreciation Update (Dr Underwood, Theres, Frances)
Concessions Update (Frances & Rachel)
Concessions prices have increased 20-30% this year. May meed to revisit sales prices and budget for 2023-2024 school year. Dr Underwood to see what other schools currently charge. Do we want the concessions as a money maker or a service to our families?
Unicycle (Laret)
7th and 8th grade Band and Strings students were required to wear Meigs Wear for their trip to Dollywood. I reached out to remind Mr. Norris that we still had some vintage wear for sale. He sent out an email to the parents with my contact info so that they could text me if they wanted to purchase any Vintage Meigs wear.
Over the weekend we had around 20 parents reach out to inquire about purchasing t-shirts and sweatshirts. They texted me sizes, etc.
I took photos of what we had in the requested sizes, collected cash or Venmo payments and delivered shirts to school on the Tuesday before the trip. In total the sales were $199.
Motion: I would like to request/propose to the board that I am able to use these funds to purchase bottoms (pants/shorts) for the clothes closet in the office as we have little to no sizes above youth large for bottoms in the closet. Motion approved. Ask Mrs Forrest what she thinks is needed since SSA is not required at Meigs.
Talent Show Update (Jennifer)
11/10/2022 at 7pm - England, Poe and Mr Allen are in charge. Jennifer Allen has made a packet for guidance next year. Lights, cameras, food trucks are ready. Need more parent volunteers for after school supervision (3-6:30pm). Vui’s Kitchen orders due 11/04/2022 online. Tickets purchased on Meigs mart site. Food trucks will be available starting at 4:15 until 6:15.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business
Passwords page is available on Drive. Please update if you change anything.