PTO Board Meeting Agenda
January 12, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
Meigs Cafeteria
Call to order: 5:16pm
In attendance: Dr. Rossi, Diana Hutson, Caity Craddock, Rhonda Bingham, Laret Casella, Rachel Roddick, Bonnie Caldwell, Frances Assink. Executive Board quorum achieved.
Approve meeting minutes from last meeting: Diana motions to approve. Rhonda seconds. All vote to approve.
President and VP Report (Diana & Rachel)-
Need a beautification committee for outdoor classroom and bike rack “Green Thumb Committee” (4 parents needed to take this on, with guidance from PTO financially) – target 5-6 grade parents for longevity. This will be promoted on Social Media and in Meigs Memos. Those interested should email Diana at [email protected].
Open House for incoming students – we’re going to have communications chair there with handouts for PTO so new parents will have something tangible to remind them to volunteer.
Google Drive participation- Update your events and drop data in drive folder. Procedures for events, square, passwords, etc. to help with things moving forward.
Rewards Day is tomorrow (Friday). Going forward please get with Ms. Shaeffer/Ms. England ahead of time to make sure we know what is needed and to make sure we don’t use up what’s intended for Basketball games. Combination to lock on the closet is needed.
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)-
Approve last meeting budget report – Rhonda motions, Rachel seconds, all voted to approve.
YTD Budget Report Budget October – December (attached)
AmazonSmiles, Kroger, Publix, BoxTops rewards are all set up and just roll over to the next year. Those checks will arrive on their own.
All monies have been spent, except for shrubbery fund and community fund to be spent. Maybe something for Testing Weeks? PTO Superheroes? $1400 for PD is available – Ms. Clemson to use?
Bonnie and Francis are going to get together to fix the Square so that password is known by all.
Rhonda motions to approve October – December budget reports. Rachel seconds. All vote to approve.
Principal and VP(S) Reports (Dr. Rossi) -
Outdoor classroom update – Ready to be used at the beginning of next school year.
Rewards Day – Tomorrow (Friday, 1/13) trying to do better with communicating needs. Diana solidifies which PTO volunteers will be here to set up, work, clean up.
Planning School field trip to Fisk to hear Jubilee singers in February – Ms. Clemson made sure all students are able to attend. Learning activity beforehand so that all students know about Jubilee singers.
Sports Update - Basketball season is underway. 8th grade recognition for basketball players is 1/31 @ 5pm (parents of players)
First Tours went well! Tuesday was the first one since Covid– 50 parents attended, 3 students Ms. Clemson is in charge of the student ambassadors. Dr. Rossi led the meeting and the students represented the school well. Tours will continue through February.
Therapy Dog, Bo, has arrived. Some kids have had allergic reactions, but they all love having him at Meigs. Meigs PTO will be getting Bo some Meigs wear so he can represent Meigs spirit.
Invest Report (Diana for Rob)-
INVEST Summary- 115% of goal was reached (details attached).
Rob will share ideas for next year with Diana.
Invest Reward Date and Ideas for school wide reward – Rob will provide to Diana next week to include all students.
Parents commented that Rob’s emails were really effective – showing the details/grade level ramped up competitive nature of people to see levels of participation.
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Thank you cards – send Caity all details so that thank you cards can be sent out.
Communications Report (Diana for Amy)-
Keep sending updates for the Meigs Memos. Have all press releases ready to go out in Meigs Memos.
Plug all PTO and Meigs pages for new families to see.
Meigs Mart Update (Diana for Samantha)-
Meigs Mart restock for January 24. Online store is open, links are working.
Need 4-5 copies of full list of what’s available and with prices for upcoming events.
Vintage Meigs Wear should be promoted on social media, etc.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report (Diana for Niki)
City Saver- number sold was 671, raising just over $10k for the school. 95 books still out.
Titans Fundraiser- 149 Titans tickets sold, raising $1,490 for the school.
Hugh Baby’s Jan. 24th and 31st 1-8pm come out before or after the home basketball games.
Spring Book Fair will be March 27-31. Amy and Niki will be putting this together and looking for volunteers
Teacher Appreciation Update (Frances)
4 days breakfast after winter break; breakfasts and lunches will be provided on upcoming PD days.
May 8-12 is teacher appreciation week. Smoothie Bar will be provided and the committee will come up with other ideas as well. Parents will be directed to Teacher Favorites Lists.
Unicycle (Laret)
At events this year, the prices are confusing. Parents tried to pay for vintage items with Meigs Mart and vice versa and they need to be kept separate. $199 was made from vintage sale and that was used to buy bottoms to put in the closet to be used for accidents at school.
Possible recycling of older shirts – encourage 8th graders to bring in their shirts before they finish school in May. Perhaps give them Meigs Moulah and they could win an ipad at the final rewards day.
Talent Show Update (Diana for Jennifer)
The talent show was a big success! Only recommendation is to have physical tickets instead of trying to check them off a list.
Look at calendar – this year it overlapped with football game for championship. Unfortunately, the dates are set way in advance, so overlaps are inevitable.
Jennifer will dump data and recap into Google Drive so that next year we won’t reinvent the wheel next year.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business
Hugh Baby’s Spirit Nights: 1/24 and 1/31
Spring Break: 3/13-3/17
Rewards Day (March): 3/24
Book Fair: 3/27-3/31
Adjourned at 6:19pm
January 12, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
Meigs Cafeteria
Call to order: 5:16pm
In attendance: Dr. Rossi, Diana Hutson, Caity Craddock, Rhonda Bingham, Laret Casella, Rachel Roddick, Bonnie Caldwell, Frances Assink. Executive Board quorum achieved.
Approve meeting minutes from last meeting: Diana motions to approve. Rhonda seconds. All vote to approve.
President and VP Report (Diana & Rachel)-
Need a beautification committee for outdoor classroom and bike rack “Green Thumb Committee” (4 parents needed to take this on, with guidance from PTO financially) – target 5-6 grade parents for longevity. This will be promoted on Social Media and in Meigs Memos. Those interested should email Diana at [email protected].
Open House for incoming students – we’re going to have communications chair there with handouts for PTO so new parents will have something tangible to remind them to volunteer.
Google Drive participation- Update your events and drop data in drive folder. Procedures for events, square, passwords, etc. to help with things moving forward.
Rewards Day is tomorrow (Friday). Going forward please get with Ms. Shaeffer/Ms. England ahead of time to make sure we know what is needed and to make sure we don’t use up what’s intended for Basketball games. Combination to lock on the closet is needed.
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)-
Approve last meeting budget report – Rhonda motions, Rachel seconds, all voted to approve.
YTD Budget Report Budget October – December (attached)
AmazonSmiles, Kroger, Publix, BoxTops rewards are all set up and just roll over to the next year. Those checks will arrive on their own.
All monies have been spent, except for shrubbery fund and community fund to be spent. Maybe something for Testing Weeks? PTO Superheroes? $1400 for PD is available – Ms. Clemson to use?
Bonnie and Francis are going to get together to fix the Square so that password is known by all.
Rhonda motions to approve October – December budget reports. Rachel seconds. All vote to approve.
Principal and VP(S) Reports (Dr. Rossi) -
Outdoor classroom update – Ready to be used at the beginning of next school year.
Rewards Day – Tomorrow (Friday, 1/13) trying to do better with communicating needs. Diana solidifies which PTO volunteers will be here to set up, work, clean up.
Planning School field trip to Fisk to hear Jubilee singers in February – Ms. Clemson made sure all students are able to attend. Learning activity beforehand so that all students know about Jubilee singers.
Sports Update - Basketball season is underway. 8th grade recognition for basketball players is 1/31 @ 5pm (parents of players)
First Tours went well! Tuesday was the first one since Covid– 50 parents attended, 3 students Ms. Clemson is in charge of the student ambassadors. Dr. Rossi led the meeting and the students represented the school well. Tours will continue through February.
Therapy Dog, Bo, has arrived. Some kids have had allergic reactions, but they all love having him at Meigs. Meigs PTO will be getting Bo some Meigs wear so he can represent Meigs spirit.
Invest Report (Diana for Rob)-
INVEST Summary- 115% of goal was reached (details attached).
Rob will share ideas for next year with Diana.
Invest Reward Date and Ideas for school wide reward – Rob will provide to Diana next week to include all students.
Parents commented that Rob’s emails were really effective – showing the details/grade level ramped up competitive nature of people to see levels of participation.
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Thank you cards – send Caity all details so that thank you cards can be sent out.
Communications Report (Diana for Amy)-
Keep sending updates for the Meigs Memos. Have all press releases ready to go out in Meigs Memos.
Plug all PTO and Meigs pages for new families to see.
Meigs Mart Update (Diana for Samantha)-
Meigs Mart restock for January 24. Online store is open, links are working.
Need 4-5 copies of full list of what’s available and with prices for upcoming events.
Vintage Meigs Wear should be promoted on social media, etc.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report (Diana for Niki)
City Saver- number sold was 671, raising just over $10k for the school. 95 books still out.
Titans Fundraiser- 149 Titans tickets sold, raising $1,490 for the school.
Hugh Baby’s Jan. 24th and 31st 1-8pm come out before or after the home basketball games.
Spring Book Fair will be March 27-31. Amy and Niki will be putting this together and looking for volunteers
Teacher Appreciation Update (Frances)
4 days breakfast after winter break; breakfasts and lunches will be provided on upcoming PD days.
May 8-12 is teacher appreciation week. Smoothie Bar will be provided and the committee will come up with other ideas as well. Parents will be directed to Teacher Favorites Lists.
Unicycle (Laret)
At events this year, the prices are confusing. Parents tried to pay for vintage items with Meigs Mart and vice versa and they need to be kept separate. $199 was made from vintage sale and that was used to buy bottoms to put in the closet to be used for accidents at school.
Possible recycling of older shirts – encourage 8th graders to bring in their shirts before they finish school in May. Perhaps give them Meigs Moulah and they could win an ipad at the final rewards day.
Talent Show Update (Diana for Jennifer)
The talent show was a big success! Only recommendation is to have physical tickets instead of trying to check them off a list.
Look at calendar – this year it overlapped with football game for championship. Unfortunately, the dates are set way in advance, so overlaps are inevitable.
Jennifer will dump data and recap into Google Drive so that next year we won’t reinvent the wheel next year.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business
Hugh Baby’s Spirit Nights: 1/24 and 1/31
Spring Break: 3/13-3/17
Rewards Day (March): 3/24
Book Fair: 3/27-3/31
Adjourned at 6:19pm