March 30, 2023 PTO Meeting
At the March 30, 2023 PTO meeting members of Hume-Fogg Academic High School came to talk about the high school transition and Dr. Schunn Turner (the Executive Director of Middle School) talked about the principal selection process.
If a parent or community member would like to volunteer for the principal selection process, they should reach out to Dr. Mullins ([email protected]). Dr. Turner can also be contacted with questions at [email protected].
Below is the presentation that Dr. Turner gave as well as a pamphlet about the HFA transition. The Principal Selection Process presentation can also be found on the MNPS website.
If a parent or community member would like to volunteer for the principal selection process, they should reach out to Dr. Mullins ([email protected]). Dr. Turner can also be contacted with questions at [email protected].
Below is the presentation that Dr. Turner gave as well as a pamphlet about the HFA transition. The Principal Selection Process presentation can also be found on the MNPS website.