PTO Board Meeting Agenda
May 12, 2022
Zoom Virtual Meeting 5:30pm- Start time 5:35pm- Recorded.
Meeting Link -
President Report (Diana)-
Google Drive participation is great! Keep adding docs.
Almost updated calendar; We still have a lot of events that were cancelled or altered so we will continue
making adjustments for the kids.
Bike rack project installation: May 14/15. There are 3 families that have volunteered to install.
VP Report (Rachel)-
Carnival Day Prep. Sign Up Genius went out to all families. Sign Up was 80% full as of our meeting.
Invest Fundraising Report (Rob)-
Crumbl Delivery successful! Invest is a wrap!
Grade level liaisons (PTO received and email from a 5th grade parent volunteer, Mr Blackmon)
Principal and VP(S) Reports-
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)-
YTD Budget Report
SSO EOY spreadsheet turned in by 7/31/2022
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Communications Report (Amy)-
Keep sending me their updates for the Meigs Memos
Meigs Mart Coordinator (Brandy to Samantha):
New Student Orientation on May 5 was a success, we sold about $4000
The online store is closed until the Fall
The school store will be open on Wednesday, May 11 and May 18 from 7:30-8:30am for any students or
teachers that need to purchase apparel and for the PTO to organize inventory for the upcoming Meigs
101 July. (Amy, can we post on FB and MM?)
Thank you to everyone for your help and support this year. I will be signing off from Meigs Mart Chair
and passing the reigns to Samantha Eagle.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Update(Niki)
Sounds tickets
Teacher Appreciation Committee Update (Shana)
3.11.2022- Success
Concessions Update (Rachel)
Unicycle (Laret and Jeff)
Update on Vintage Meigs Wear Clothes and the Clothes Closet:
We got two rubber maid tubs full of mostly tops at our collection last week.
I am reaching out to Mrs. Forrest to get the clothes in the clothes closet so I can get them washed and
Jeff and I plan on getting size markers for the rods in the current closet so that it will be easier for them to
keep the clothes in the proper size area and keep track of what is in there.
Next year I think we should plan on having a donation bin for clothes.
We plan to reach out to the counselors to see if they know of clothing needs for students.
Talent Show Update (Jennifer)
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business
Teacher’s lounge makeover.
May 12, 2022
Zoom Virtual Meeting 5:30pm- Start time 5:35pm- Recorded.
Meeting Link -
President Report (Diana)-
Google Drive participation is great! Keep adding docs.
Almost updated calendar; We still have a lot of events that were cancelled or altered so we will continue
making adjustments for the kids.
Bike rack project installation: May 14/15. There are 3 families that have volunteered to install.
VP Report (Rachel)-
Carnival Day Prep. Sign Up Genius went out to all families. Sign Up was 80% full as of our meeting.
Invest Fundraising Report (Rob)-
Crumbl Delivery successful! Invest is a wrap!
Grade level liaisons (PTO received and email from a 5th grade parent volunteer, Mr Blackmon)
Principal and VP(S) Reports-
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)-
YTD Budget Report
SSO EOY spreadsheet turned in by 7/31/2022
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Communications Report (Amy)-
Keep sending me their updates for the Meigs Memos
Meigs Mart Coordinator (Brandy to Samantha):
New Student Orientation on May 5 was a success, we sold about $4000
The online store is closed until the Fall
The school store will be open on Wednesday, May 11 and May 18 from 7:30-8:30am for any students or
teachers that need to purchase apparel and for the PTO to organize inventory for the upcoming Meigs
101 July. (Amy, can we post on FB and MM?)
Thank you to everyone for your help and support this year. I will be signing off from Meigs Mart Chair
and passing the reigns to Samantha Eagle.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Update(Niki)
Sounds tickets
Teacher Appreciation Committee Update (Shana)
3.11.2022- Success
Concessions Update (Rachel)
Unicycle (Laret and Jeff)
Update on Vintage Meigs Wear Clothes and the Clothes Closet:
We got two rubber maid tubs full of mostly tops at our collection last week.
I am reaching out to Mrs. Forrest to get the clothes in the clothes closet so I can get them washed and
Jeff and I plan on getting size markers for the rods in the current closet so that it will be easier for them to
keep the clothes in the proper size area and keep track of what is in there.
Next year I think we should plan on having a donation bin for clothes.
We plan to reach out to the counselors to see if they know of clothing needs for students.
Talent Show Update (Jennifer)
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business
Teacher’s lounge makeover.