July 6, 2021 @ 2:30pm
In attendance: Dr. Underwood, Dr. Rosse, Diana Hutson, Frances Assink, Rachel Roddick, Brandy Abruzzo, Niki Griffin, Priyanka Banerjee, LaTara Sturgis, Caity Craddock, Laret Casella
Introductions of new PTO Board and Committee Chairs
Diana introduced everyone and what position each will hold for this school year. There are still two open positions: Teach Appreciation Chair(s) and Talent Show Coordinator(s). These positions can be held by multiple people. If you know anyone who might be interested, pass those names along to Diana.
Meigs Mart Order
Frances called for a vote to approve the use of a PTO credit card for this year. All voted in favor of the use of a PTO credit card (linked to PTO bank account) for PTO purchases. Diana called for a vote to approve the previously agreed upon Meigs Mart Order in the amount of $6438.43. This order includes more inventory than previous years to account for the 2020-2021 school year when it was more difficult to get orders. All voted in favor of this order.
Meigs Mart Building Access
Dr. Underwood reported that PPE has been moved out of a closet in the building to make room for Meigs Mart merchandise. He doesn’t know yet if PTO people or any non-staff adults will be allowed in the building for the upcoming year. The Meigs Mart merchandise can be delivered to school and stored in a locked and secure location. If it turns out that we cannot enter the building, it will then be moved off campus like it was last year.
Meigs Mart
We don’t know if we will be able to do school delivery, or still have to mail, maybe mass distribution event. No information on cash or cc transactions. Have it be part of Meigs 101 (at the end). Plan for twice as much help to work that event.
Dr. Underwood Quick Chat
Dr. Underwood reported that the Principal Launch is next week Tuesday – Friday. He will be in Principal Meetings those days and get information on next year’s protocols regarding Covid, among other things. As soon as he gets information, he will push it out to families.
PTO Paperwork
The PTO President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary need to sign the large amount of fundraising paperwork for next year. These need to be turned in 30 days prior to the fundraiser taking place. Diana will work with those officers to get everything signed ASAP. Docusign will not be permitted this year (per MNPS).
Social Media Access/Limit
Diana spoke about concerns over the multiple Facebook and IG accounts that are official/unofficial for Meigs. Diana would like to make sure she has administrator access to official accounts and ask unofficial accounts to state that their views/posts do not reflect those of Meigs. LaTara will work with Diana to take stock of those accounts and make appropriate updates.
Fundraising – BoomBozz Family Night
BoomBozz in East Nashville will host a fundraiser for Meigs on September 16, 2021. This is an all-day event. BoomBozz will donate 15% of sales from lunch and dinner to Meigs. BoomBozz is willing to host these three times throughout the year for us – we just need to pick the dates. Frances will add the 9/16 event to the fundraising paperwork so that it can be approved in time.
Final thoughts
Meigs 101 will be the next event (assuming MNPS approves). This year it will include any students and parents who have not been in the building – Incoming 5th and 6th graders as well as new 7th and 8th graders.
Dr. Underwood would like to have the planning meeting this Thursday or Friday – Diana will email Dr. Underwood to make a plan for any PTO involvement.
In the past the PTO president has talked briefly and Meigs Mart has been open. PTO will also provide snacks for teachers and parents. Dr. Underwood will use S02 funds to pay teacher salaries for that day instead of using PTO funds.
It would be nice for each grade level to speak about the Meigs traditions that students can expect throughout the year.
Adjourn 3:25pm
In attendance: Dr. Underwood, Dr. Rosse, Diana Hutson, Frances Assink, Rachel Roddick, Brandy Abruzzo, Niki Griffin, Priyanka Banerjee, LaTara Sturgis, Caity Craddock, Laret Casella
Introductions of new PTO Board and Committee Chairs
Diana introduced everyone and what position each will hold for this school year. There are still two open positions: Teach Appreciation Chair(s) and Talent Show Coordinator(s). These positions can be held by multiple people. If you know anyone who might be interested, pass those names along to Diana.
Meigs Mart Order
Frances called for a vote to approve the use of a PTO credit card for this year. All voted in favor of the use of a PTO credit card (linked to PTO bank account) for PTO purchases. Diana called for a vote to approve the previously agreed upon Meigs Mart Order in the amount of $6438.43. This order includes more inventory than previous years to account for the 2020-2021 school year when it was more difficult to get orders. All voted in favor of this order.
Meigs Mart Building Access
Dr. Underwood reported that PPE has been moved out of a closet in the building to make room for Meigs Mart merchandise. He doesn’t know yet if PTO people or any non-staff adults will be allowed in the building for the upcoming year. The Meigs Mart merchandise can be delivered to school and stored in a locked and secure location. If it turns out that we cannot enter the building, it will then be moved off campus like it was last year.
Meigs Mart
We don’t know if we will be able to do school delivery, or still have to mail, maybe mass distribution event. No information on cash or cc transactions. Have it be part of Meigs 101 (at the end). Plan for twice as much help to work that event.
Dr. Underwood Quick Chat
Dr. Underwood reported that the Principal Launch is next week Tuesday – Friday. He will be in Principal Meetings those days and get information on next year’s protocols regarding Covid, among other things. As soon as he gets information, he will push it out to families.
PTO Paperwork
The PTO President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary need to sign the large amount of fundraising paperwork for next year. These need to be turned in 30 days prior to the fundraiser taking place. Diana will work with those officers to get everything signed ASAP. Docusign will not be permitted this year (per MNPS).
Social Media Access/Limit
Diana spoke about concerns over the multiple Facebook and IG accounts that are official/unofficial for Meigs. Diana would like to make sure she has administrator access to official accounts and ask unofficial accounts to state that their views/posts do not reflect those of Meigs. LaTara will work with Diana to take stock of those accounts and make appropriate updates.
Fundraising – BoomBozz Family Night
BoomBozz in East Nashville will host a fundraiser for Meigs on September 16, 2021. This is an all-day event. BoomBozz will donate 15% of sales from lunch and dinner to Meigs. BoomBozz is willing to host these three times throughout the year for us – we just need to pick the dates. Frances will add the 9/16 event to the fundraising paperwork so that it can be approved in time.
Final thoughts
Meigs 101 will be the next event (assuming MNPS approves). This year it will include any students and parents who have not been in the building – Incoming 5th and 6th graders as well as new 7th and 8th graders.
Dr. Underwood would like to have the planning meeting this Thursday or Friday – Diana will email Dr. Underwood to make a plan for any PTO involvement.
In the past the PTO president has talked briefly and Meigs Mart has been open. PTO will also provide snacks for teachers and parents. Dr. Underwood will use S02 funds to pay teacher salaries for that day instead of using PTO funds.
It would be nice for each grade level to speak about the Meigs traditions that students can expect throughout the year.
Adjourn 3:25pm