Present: Diana Hutson, Caity Craddock, Nicole Griffin, Sonja Wilson-Rosse, LaTara
Sturgis, Amy Cesario, Rachel Roddick, Laret Casella, Priyanka Banerjee
Call to order: 5:36pm
President and VP Report (Diana/Rachel):
Bike rack project Progress report – Bike Rack is coming along – area is marked and ready for installation.
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda):
YTD Budget Report Update – See attached YTD report for details.
Summary: We have almost paid all budgeted items for the year. Banners and incidentals for the bike racks and a teacher appreciation event (JavaBreeze) is all that’s left to pay.
We didn’t budget anything for Book Fair (because of Covid, we didn’t know if we could have a book fair or if it would be successful virtually), so anything we make from that will be gravy.
Invest is looking great as well.
Concessions is done, but maybe one more deposit. We exceeded our profits on that as well.
Invest update (Rob):
See attachment for details of numbers by grade level. We are now at 92% of our fundraising goal and have collected $41,305. Next year, we would like to assign grade level liaisons to help with the breakdown of money by grade/class.
Principal and VP(S) Report(s) (Dr. Rossi)–
The Leadership Team meet and have tentative dates for upcoming events:
Book Fair: March 28-April 1
Battle of the Books: May 4, 5, 6; District May 13
Athletic Awards Banquet: May 18
8th grade dance: May 21 7-9pm (tentative)
Graduation: May 25 5:30-7:30pm
Academic Awards: May 24
8th grade picnic: May 23 (during school)
Last day of school May 26
5-6 grade field day May 20
Carnival Day: May 12
Evening with the Arts: May 19 6pm (tentative)
Meigs 101 TBD
Secretary’s Report (Caity):
Thank you cards – notes were sent to outside donors for Invest. Send me any requests for thank you cards to [email protected]
Communications Report (LaTara and Amy):
Keep sending updates for the Meigs Memos. Please send any content for social media as well.
Meigs Mart Coordinator Report (Samantha/Brandy):
New inventory for Meigs Mart has been checked in and updated. Website is being updated. Teachers will be allowed to shop early, then parents/students can shop starting March 7. There was a big order placed so there will be lots of new shirts and swag to update selection.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report (Niki):
Book Fair Update – Book Fair will take place the last week of March. It will be a full week and full school day – need a bunch of help (1 PTO member per 3 hour shift to handle money).
City Saver 2022 – We need to pick some dates for that. August works well. Suggestion for City Saver to not overlap with Invest. Needs to get dates to our rep.
Upcoming Fundraiser with East Nashville BeerWorks in the spring (date TBD). 15% of sales will come back to Meigs.
Titans fundraiser brought in over $1000.
Questions/Suggestions: Does NSC or Predators or Nashville Sounds do something similar? Niki needs a second person to help for next year.
Teacher Appreciation Committee Report (Shana):
Java Breeze on 3.10.22 – coffee bar and smoothie bar for teachers and staff. Maybe add other treats throughout the week (instead of lunch on 3.10)
Concessions Report (Rachel):
Basketball season has ended. Concessions are over – Rachel is happy to continue with Concessions for next year. Leftover concessions were donated to the office and given to students as prizes for Black History Month Trivia winners.
Volunteer Coordinator Update (Priyanka):
Book Fair sign up needed – send to PTO first to sign up before sending out the Meigs parents.
Unicycle Update (Laret and Jeff):
Closet has been cleaned up a bit. Right now, Unicycle clothes are used for accidents at school or replacement clothes for dress code violations. One thing we don’t have is pants/bottoms. Unicycle can get us pants if we need them. Could we have students donate their outgrown shirts and sell them for much cheaper as a “vintage” section of Meigs Mart?
Talent Show Update (Jennifer):
Date will be announced soon. It will be an outdoor event.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business:
March April May PTO calendar has been updated in the Drive to include Invest Party, Evening with the Arts. Please keep updating the drive with any information for PTO (dates, information, etc). Invest party – send admin a proposed date for approval.
Masks will be optional after spring break, so there will likely be big changes on school involvement and events after that.
Adjourned @ 6:21pm
Sturgis, Amy Cesario, Rachel Roddick, Laret Casella, Priyanka Banerjee
Call to order: 5:36pm
President and VP Report (Diana/Rachel):
Bike rack project Progress report – Bike Rack is coming along – area is marked and ready for installation.
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda):
YTD Budget Report Update – See attached YTD report for details.
Summary: We have almost paid all budgeted items for the year. Banners and incidentals for the bike racks and a teacher appreciation event (JavaBreeze) is all that’s left to pay.
We didn’t budget anything for Book Fair (because of Covid, we didn’t know if we could have a book fair or if it would be successful virtually), so anything we make from that will be gravy.
Invest is looking great as well.
Concessions is done, but maybe one more deposit. We exceeded our profits on that as well.
Invest update (Rob):
See attachment for details of numbers by grade level. We are now at 92% of our fundraising goal and have collected $41,305. Next year, we would like to assign grade level liaisons to help with the breakdown of money by grade/class.
Principal and VP(S) Report(s) (Dr. Rossi)–
The Leadership Team meet and have tentative dates for upcoming events:
Book Fair: March 28-April 1
Battle of the Books: May 4, 5, 6; District May 13
Athletic Awards Banquet: May 18
8th grade dance: May 21 7-9pm (tentative)
Graduation: May 25 5:30-7:30pm
Academic Awards: May 24
8th grade picnic: May 23 (during school)
Last day of school May 26
5-6 grade field day May 20
Carnival Day: May 12
Evening with the Arts: May 19 6pm (tentative)
Meigs 101 TBD
Secretary’s Report (Caity):
Thank you cards – notes were sent to outside donors for Invest. Send me any requests for thank you cards to [email protected]
Communications Report (LaTara and Amy):
Keep sending updates for the Meigs Memos. Please send any content for social media as well.
Meigs Mart Coordinator Report (Samantha/Brandy):
New inventory for Meigs Mart has been checked in and updated. Website is being updated. Teachers will be allowed to shop early, then parents/students can shop starting March 7. There was a big order placed so there will be lots of new shirts and swag to update selection.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report (Niki):
Book Fair Update – Book Fair will take place the last week of March. It will be a full week and full school day – need a bunch of help (1 PTO member per 3 hour shift to handle money).
City Saver 2022 – We need to pick some dates for that. August works well. Suggestion for City Saver to not overlap with Invest. Needs to get dates to our rep.
Upcoming Fundraiser with East Nashville BeerWorks in the spring (date TBD). 15% of sales will come back to Meigs.
Titans fundraiser brought in over $1000.
Questions/Suggestions: Does NSC or Predators or Nashville Sounds do something similar? Niki needs a second person to help for next year.
Teacher Appreciation Committee Report (Shana):
Java Breeze on 3.10.22 – coffee bar and smoothie bar for teachers and staff. Maybe add other treats throughout the week (instead of lunch on 3.10)
Concessions Report (Rachel):
Basketball season has ended. Concessions are over – Rachel is happy to continue with Concessions for next year. Leftover concessions were donated to the office and given to students as prizes for Black History Month Trivia winners.
Volunteer Coordinator Update (Priyanka):
Book Fair sign up needed – send to PTO first to sign up before sending out the Meigs parents.
Unicycle Update (Laret and Jeff):
Closet has been cleaned up a bit. Right now, Unicycle clothes are used for accidents at school or replacement clothes for dress code violations. One thing we don’t have is pants/bottoms. Unicycle can get us pants if we need them. Could we have students donate their outgrown shirts and sell them for much cheaper as a “vintage” section of Meigs Mart?
Talent Show Update (Jennifer):
Date will be announced soon. It will be an outdoor event.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business:
March April May PTO calendar has been updated in the Drive to include Invest Party, Evening with the Arts. Please keep updating the drive with any information for PTO (dates, information, etc). Invest party – send admin a proposed date for approval.
Masks will be optional after spring break, so there will likely be big changes on school involvement and events after that.
Adjourned @ 6:21pm