Concessions are offered at home athletic events. Volunteers are needed and we typically tap parents of athletes as the home game seasons require.
A Meigs tradition is to stay after school for athletic events.
A handy ONLINE Parent Permission to Stay After School for a Game gives permission your child to stay after school. Students will report immediately to the gym at dismissal and will be supervised until 4:45 pm. - when they are released to the game or event. (Example: Basketball, Volleyball season)
This form must be submitted electronically no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the event.
Bake sales are typically run to coincide with school events or for specific fundraising needs and organized by the host committees such as Talent Show or Evening with the Arts.
A Meigs tradition is to stay after school for athletic events.
A handy ONLINE Parent Permission to Stay After School for a Game gives permission your child to stay after school. Students will report immediately to the gym at dismissal and will be supervised until 4:45 pm. - when they are released to the game or event. (Example: Basketball, Volleyball season)
This form must be submitted electronically no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the event.
Bake sales are typically run to coincide with school events or for specific fundraising needs and organized by the host committees such as Talent Show or Evening with the Arts.