August 26, 2021@ 5:30pm
Zoom Virtual Meeting
Call to order: 5:33pm
President and VP Report (Diana & Rachel)-
The start of school year has gone smoothly for PTO. Everyone is working together and doing their jobs and working together.
Feedback from teachers has been mostly positive. Next year, it would be great if more PTO members are present at more early year functions so that people can see our faces and let teachers know that there are many of us who make up the PTO to get work done.
Computer purchases for Mr Stack – Diana ordered 6 iMacs and 6 keyboards. These were promised last year, we delivered. Diana delivered 5 already, last one will be delivered soon.
Everyone on the PTO is doing a good job of getting more parents involved. No position can function in isolation, to let others in so they help, learn and take over in the future.
PTO has a shared Google drive – everyone can edit so that we can each add to our section with dates and notes for future years.
PTO sponsored art supply drive – Mrs. Hattleburg sent home a lot of her materials last year because of virtual learning. Her supply is depleted. We can’t afford to just buy all of it. So we will do a PTO Art Supply drive. Parents can order on amazon/Target and have it delivered directly to school. Jerry’s Artarama on Main Street will give a discount to anyone who mentions that they are purchasing for Mrs. Hattleburg @ Meigs.
Rachel says thanks for help so far. Easiest year on the PTO start to the year so far.
Principal and Vice Principal Report (Dr Underwood & Dr Rosse)--
Dr. Mullins was at the meeting but said there was no official report. She just wants to say thanks for doing a great job during this difficult time. Requests that we please communicate to parents to use the car line. Everyone is doing other things – dropping off everywhere, which is not safe.
Invest Fundraising Report (Rob)-
Rob sent an email saying that kickoff will be Labor Day week Sept 7-10.
Parents have already started donating online.
We are currently at 4% of our goal. $2000 of $45000 goal.
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)- FINANCIALS ARE ATTACHED.
Rhonda said thank you, Frances, for keeping such good books last year. Thank you, Diana, for saving us money on the computers and art supply drive idea.
YTD Budget Report – Each meeting, we will go over the previous month. Last year: $15,000 in income $13000 was Invest $4000 MeigsMart (gross). Spent $31000. Dipped into Rainy Day Fund. We have $80000 cash right now. First month we are at -$1300, but it will turn around for next month with all the MeigsMart that has been sold.
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Always let Caity know about any thank you notes to be sent. For this month: Tina, Manager @ Best Buy Charlotte Park ($50 coupon for the keyboard). Alpha Graphics (50% coupons for city saver flyers), Mrs. Forrest, office (help with distributing Meigs Swag to students).
Minutes will be emailed out to the board and administration and posted to Google Drive and to website.
Communications Report (LaTara and Amy)-
From LaTara: Thank you to Amy for help on the MeigsMemos.
Anything to be posted to Website – send to LaTara in cut and paste format.
Anything to be posted on PTO Facebook/Instagram pages – send to LaTara exactly what you want to be posted, pertinent information.
Anything to be posted to the Weekly Updates to Meigs Memos should go to Amy.
If anyone on FB/IG/replies with negativity, please feel free to pass to Diana. Diana will work with Dr. Underwood to find out what our responses to people’s complaints might be. If someone approaches a PTO member, Diana is happy to take those questions as is administration.
Meigs Mart (Brandy)-
Beginning of year sales About $10000 in gross sales so far (July 25-today). People are still choosing between shipping and picking up at school.
We are running low on hoodies and we will need to re order soon.
If anyone has Ideas for new merchandise let brandy know so that she can order. Hats were a big hit, almost sold out. Preorders for holiday purchasing will be coming soon.
Timeline: Orientation, 101 and first week of school are busiest times. Then there will be a lull. Then picks up again in the spring for incoming 5th graders.
Brandy is going to donate 2 new ipads to help with processing orders. If anyone else has one to donate, let her know. The ones we have now are very old. Anything newer would be great.
Thanks to those who helped with counting/organizing/managing the sale!
She is open to any vendors if anyone has a suggestion, just pass that along to Brandy.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report (Niki)--
Jeni’s Ice Cream was today. A lot of people there right after school. 25% of sales will go back to Meigs. Niki will know the totals in a couple of weeks.
City Saver sales is coming up. Niki thinks we have enough volunteers for that. Kicks off Monday, Sept 17.
BoomBozz Meigs Night is Sept 16.
There will be a Climb Night in October.
There are 4 Titan’s games where $10/ticket will come back to Meigs
Concessions Update (Frances)
Concessions will be offered at Volleyball and Basketball games.
Just got an email with girls volleyball dates. Frances and Diana will fill out the fundraising form for central office to get approved before games.
Frances will ask teachers/coaches again for the dates so that we can get approvals in time.
Frances asked if Brandy (MeigsMart) could facilitate the purchase of Volleyball uniforms? Parents could order through MeigsMart to keep everything centralized. Brandy will work with Frances to find the vendor and try to password protect the uniforms so that only volleyball players/families can purchase.
Volunteer Coordinator (Priyanka) –
Priyanka was not at the meeting, but Diana said that she is doing a great job getting volunteer needs into a Sign up genius. Thank you, Priyanka.
Unicycle (Laret and Jeff) –
Laret still needs to get into school to organize the Unicycle closet. Diana will chat after the meeting on current protocols.
Talent Show Update (Jennifer) –
No details on this yet.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business –
Book fair is coming up.
Book Fair (Niki for now) –
No info yet. Dates will be added to our shared calendar asap. Scholastic is usually the company that hosts the Book Fair. Meigs Librarian will need to be creative to space kids out, etc. It could be a virtual event.
Announcements/Adjournment –
Meeting adjourned @ 6:17pm
Next Meeting--
Sept 23, 2021 @ 5:30 pm (open to all)
Zoom Virtual Meeting
Call to order: 5:33pm
President and VP Report (Diana & Rachel)-
The start of school year has gone smoothly for PTO. Everyone is working together and doing their jobs and working together.
Feedback from teachers has been mostly positive. Next year, it would be great if more PTO members are present at more early year functions so that people can see our faces and let teachers know that there are many of us who make up the PTO to get work done.
Computer purchases for Mr Stack – Diana ordered 6 iMacs and 6 keyboards. These were promised last year, we delivered. Diana delivered 5 already, last one will be delivered soon.
Everyone on the PTO is doing a good job of getting more parents involved. No position can function in isolation, to let others in so they help, learn and take over in the future.
PTO has a shared Google drive – everyone can edit so that we can each add to our section with dates and notes for future years.
PTO sponsored art supply drive – Mrs. Hattleburg sent home a lot of her materials last year because of virtual learning. Her supply is depleted. We can’t afford to just buy all of it. So we will do a PTO Art Supply drive. Parents can order on amazon/Target and have it delivered directly to school. Jerry’s Artarama on Main Street will give a discount to anyone who mentions that they are purchasing for Mrs. Hattleburg @ Meigs.
Rachel says thanks for help so far. Easiest year on the PTO start to the year so far.
Principal and Vice Principal Report (Dr Underwood & Dr Rosse)--
Dr. Mullins was at the meeting but said there was no official report. She just wants to say thanks for doing a great job during this difficult time. Requests that we please communicate to parents to use the car line. Everyone is doing other things – dropping off everywhere, which is not safe.
Invest Fundraising Report (Rob)-
Rob sent an email saying that kickoff will be Labor Day week Sept 7-10.
Parents have already started donating online.
We are currently at 4% of our goal. $2000 of $45000 goal.
Treasurer’s Report (Rhonda)- FINANCIALS ARE ATTACHED.
Rhonda said thank you, Frances, for keeping such good books last year. Thank you, Diana, for saving us money on the computers and art supply drive idea.
YTD Budget Report – Each meeting, we will go over the previous month. Last year: $15,000 in income $13000 was Invest $4000 MeigsMart (gross). Spent $31000. Dipped into Rainy Day Fund. We have $80000 cash right now. First month we are at -$1300, but it will turn around for next month with all the MeigsMart that has been sold.
Secretary’s Report (Caity)-
Always let Caity know about any thank you notes to be sent. For this month: Tina, Manager @ Best Buy Charlotte Park ($50 coupon for the keyboard). Alpha Graphics (50% coupons for city saver flyers), Mrs. Forrest, office (help with distributing Meigs Swag to students).
Minutes will be emailed out to the board and administration and posted to Google Drive and to website.
Communications Report (LaTara and Amy)-
From LaTara: Thank you to Amy for help on the MeigsMemos.
Anything to be posted to Website – send to LaTara in cut and paste format.
Anything to be posted on PTO Facebook/Instagram pages – send to LaTara exactly what you want to be posted, pertinent information.
Anything to be posted to the Weekly Updates to Meigs Memos should go to Amy.
If anyone on FB/IG/replies with negativity, please feel free to pass to Diana. Diana will work with Dr. Underwood to find out what our responses to people’s complaints might be. If someone approaches a PTO member, Diana is happy to take those questions as is administration.
Meigs Mart (Brandy)-
Beginning of year sales About $10000 in gross sales so far (July 25-today). People are still choosing between shipping and picking up at school.
We are running low on hoodies and we will need to re order soon.
If anyone has Ideas for new merchandise let brandy know so that she can order. Hats were a big hit, almost sold out. Preorders for holiday purchasing will be coming soon.
Timeline: Orientation, 101 and first week of school are busiest times. Then there will be a lull. Then picks up again in the spring for incoming 5th graders.
Brandy is going to donate 2 new ipads to help with processing orders. If anyone else has one to donate, let her know. The ones we have now are very old. Anything newer would be great.
Thanks to those who helped with counting/organizing/managing the sale!
She is open to any vendors if anyone has a suggestion, just pass that along to Brandy.
Special Events & Other Means of Fundraising Report (Niki)--
Jeni’s Ice Cream was today. A lot of people there right after school. 25% of sales will go back to Meigs. Niki will know the totals in a couple of weeks.
City Saver sales is coming up. Niki thinks we have enough volunteers for that. Kicks off Monday, Sept 17.
BoomBozz Meigs Night is Sept 16.
There will be a Climb Night in October.
There are 4 Titan’s games where $10/ticket will come back to Meigs
Concessions Update (Frances)
Concessions will be offered at Volleyball and Basketball games.
Just got an email with girls volleyball dates. Frances and Diana will fill out the fundraising form for central office to get approved before games.
Frances will ask teachers/coaches again for the dates so that we can get approvals in time.
Frances asked if Brandy (MeigsMart) could facilitate the purchase of Volleyball uniforms? Parents could order through MeigsMart to keep everything centralized. Brandy will work with Frances to find the vendor and try to password protect the uniforms so that only volleyball players/families can purchase.
Volunteer Coordinator (Priyanka) –
Priyanka was not at the meeting, but Diana said that she is doing a great job getting volunteer needs into a Sign up genius. Thank you, Priyanka.
Unicycle (Laret and Jeff) –
Laret still needs to get into school to organize the Unicycle closet. Diana will chat after the meeting on current protocols.
Talent Show Update (Jennifer) –
No details on this yet.
Upcoming events and Unfinished Business –
Book fair is coming up.
Book Fair (Niki for now) –
No info yet. Dates will be added to our shared calendar asap. Scholastic is usually the company that hosts the Book Fair. Meigs Librarian will need to be creative to space kids out, etc. It could be a virtual event.
Announcements/Adjournment –
Meeting adjourned @ 6:17pm
Next Meeting--
Sept 23, 2021 @ 5:30 pm (open to all)